We are a production management company established to provide all-inclusive professional services for multidisciplinary public art + mixed media campaigns through collaborations with artists and partnerships with organizations.
At Negative Space, we’re passionate about collaborating with socially-engaged artists, architects, designers, organizers, communities, and organizations to produce contemporary campaigns and multidisciplinary public art that advance social justice. As artists at heart, we honor an artist’s vision and work closely to find profound and visionary ways to embrace and realize their aesthetic practices in the public realm. As experienced project managers, we unite a spectrum of disciplines under principles of inclusivity, empathy, transparency, and accessibility.
In Search of the Truth (The Truth Booth) by the Cause Collective, 2016
Sam Giarratani started this public art career at the Cause Collective’s In Search of the Truth (The Truth Booth) in downtown Boston the summer before the 2016 presidential election, where Giarratani joined the core team in taking The Truth Booth on a 30-state tour across the U.S.
With a collaborative and responsive PEOPLE + PLACE approach, Sam launched Negative Space with a mission to work with people and environments, creating a public art production platform that leads with listening and aligns with the needs of local communities when ushering new public artworks into new sites.
As a small team working closely with creative thinkers and artists of all disciplines across the country, we believe that public art should respond to the site—its history, environment, personality, and everyday people. Our working philosophy is to empower artists to develop ideas further, invest in the local talents and offerings, hire BIPOC vendors with fair pay, and build sustainable practices through value-aligned projects.
At Negative Space, we master the core skills of organization, project management, design development, site research, and fabrication coordination.
We have built long-lasting connections with mission-aligned and minority-owned fabricator shops across the country, and we actively seek out more BIPOC-owned shops and vendors who value the arts with a collaborative spirit and a serious commitment to social justice.
We’re also interested in working with vendors who are part of reentry programs that create and solidify opportunities specifically for formerly incarcerated individuals to rebuild their reintegration back into society.

Have an idea? Let’s chat!
We’re always looking to connect with more artists and creative spaces, and we want to work with you to make your big idea come true!